Investor Relations

Investor Relations

Shareholders, investors and analysts will find full information about our company and our share on our Internet website.

If you have any further questions, please contact Werner Schmidli, CEO of the Schlatter Group.

Register for our free news service to make sure you receive the latest information on relevant facts about the Schlatter shares.

On our website, you will also find the annual and semester reports for Schlatter Group as well as the ad-hoc news which are subject to ad-hoc publicity in accordance with the SIX (Swiss Stock Exchange) listing regulations.

As most of our investors are Swiss or German, some of the information is available in German only. Please refer to our German section of the website for more extensive information.


+41 44 732 71 70

Corporate Governance

By enacting guidelines appropriate to the size of the company, Corporate Governance at Schlatter Group ensures that business policy is transparent and prudent, and that the resources employed are used efficiently. The present Corporate Governance Report has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the SIX Swiss Exchange guidelines for Corporate Governance information.


23.01.2025 Publication of first financial data for the financial year 2024
28.03.2025 Publication of the detailed annual result for 2024 through a media information and publication of the annual report on the company's website
06.05.2025 Annual General Meeting
14.08.2025 Publication of half-year report 2025


The shares of Schlatter Industries AG have been traded on the stock exchange since 1965. The Schlatter Industries AG, the holding company of the Schlatter group is headquartered in Schlieren and listed on SIX Swiss Exchange; symbol: STRN; ISIN CH0002277314

Key Figures

The following is a list of the most important key figures of Schlatter Industries AG. Please refer to the current annual report for further information.

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