Schlatter Group
Schlatter Group

Management Structure of the Schlatter Group

The group is divided into two divisions according to an organised functional structure.

The “Welding” segment includes machines and systems for the production of industrial and reinforcing mesh as well as rail welding solutions. The “Weaving” segment comprises weaving machine solutions for the production of paper machine clothing.


Schlatter Industries AG

Brandstrasse 24 | 8952 Schlieren

+41 44 732 71 11

Board of Directors

Paul Zumbühl

Paul Zumbühl

born in 1957
with Schlatter since 2007

Michael Hauser

Michael Hauser

Vice Chairman
born in 1961
with Schlatter since 2016

Ruedi Huber

Ruedi Huber

born in 1960
with Schlatter since 2010


Werner Schmidli, CEO

Werner Schmidli

CEO, Schlatter Group
born in 1965
with Schlatter since 2004 

Reto Stettler, CFO

Reto Stettler

CFO, Schlatter Group
born in 1975
with Schlatter since 2002

Daniel Zappa

Daniel Zappa

Sales & Service, Segment Welding
born in 1972
with Schlatter since 1995

Daniel Fransson

Daniel Fransson

Research & Development, Segment Welding
born in 1971
with Schlatter since 2005

Roland Kaspar

Roland Kasper

Operations, Segment Welding
born in 1976
with Schlatter since 2013